Asher turned one on November 28! If you’re keeping up, you know that also means that Mercy is 2 1/2 and Eli is about to turn 4. And I’ve aged 40 years in the last 4.
I feel like I’m a pretty emotionally stable person, but being a mom has me all over the spectrum of feelings. Some days (minutes), I feel such tenderness for these kids that it almost physically hurts…other times I think it might physically hurt if I have to answer one more question or wipe one more nose.
Overall, though, we feel so, so blessed. When we first had Eli, our goal was just survival. The baby stage and survival mode goes by quickly though, and each stage our kids has entered has been more fun than the last. [Disclaimer: that doesn’t mean it’s all fun. Let’s not give the wrong impression there. My kids, like I imagine all kids, have their moments of high drama and willful disobedience.]
And now we’ve gotten through our last baby stage! (Except Asher will always be my baby–cue Mariah Carey). I think I’ve been able to enjoy the first year of Asher’s life a little more than I did with the other two because I knew he would be our last (unless something very unexpected happens) and I know it goes by so quickly. Now I’m a tiny bit sad to see Asher grow out of being a baby, but I’m looking forward to the next stages!
This month’s updates:
Eating: We cut out another nursing time, so Asher nursed 3 times a day for the past month. Since his birthday we’ve actually cut out another one, and he’s been fine. He’s been drinking regular milk and really liking it, and he does great with eating what we eat at meals. I’m looking forward to being done with breastfeeding, but I’ll also miss all the time I got to spend snuggling him and rubbing his fuzzy head while he ate.
Sleeping: We’ve stopped putting Asher down for a morning nap last month. He still kind of needs one and will get pretty fussy by late morning, but usually a 10-minute car nap will do the trick and then he’s ready to be pleasant through lunch and until his afternoon nap.
Other developments: Asher is a cruiser! He is always moving, pulling up, cruising around the furniture, and grabbing anything he can reach. He hasn’t tried to stand or walk on his own yet, but I think it’ll come soon. He has 5 teeth (very soon to be 6) and loves to brush them. Asher loves to sing and dance, and I love his sweet, little voice.
Weight: 25 lbs, 7 oz (83%)
Height: 30 1/4″ (67%)
Head circumference: 18″ (32%)
Likes: cheerios, pulling his shoes and socks off in the car, music, snuggles, drinking from a straw, pretending to talk on the phone
Dislikes: being in the bouncer, getting dressed
For his pictures this month, he mostly just screamed, but after three separate attempts, we got a few decent ones. AND HIS THIGHS!