Our youngest is getting very close to not being a baby anymore, and I have such bittersweet feelings about it.
One on hand, it’s so nice having children who can do things like put their shoes on their own feet (and even sometimes the correct feet!), but it’s also nice having a baby who doesn’t cry and have a tantrum because of his cereal spoon being too cold (guys, true story). There are things that get so much easier as babies grow up, but there’s a lot of simple sweetness to a baby.
Asher just happens to be the sweetest baby I know, too. He’s quick to smile, laugh, and clap and shout, “Yaaaaaayyyy!” He’s easily entertained by a box of macaroni, a burp cloth over his head, or emptying the Tupperware cabinet for the millionth time while I’m making dinner. Everyone in our family just adores Asher.
This month’s updates:
Eating: Yes.
Asher still likes nursing and still likes eating table food. He loves fruit but will eat just about anything we give him.
Sleeping: Asher normally goes to bed between 7 or 8 and then gets up in the morning to eat around 5 or 6. I’ve been thinking I should probably get Asher out of the habit of waking up that first time and then going back to sleep, but I like having that time to feed him before the other kids get up. Buuuuut I also don’t love getting up at 5 sometimes to feed him. Maybe we can just go until 6:30 or so and then I can feed him before the other kids get up after 7.
Everything with sleeping is about the same. Asher sometimes misses his morning nap but takes a great afternoon nap. He’s generally pretty pleasant even if he misses a nap. In true third-kid fashion, he goes with the flow.
Other developments: Asher can pull up to stand now! I actually really don’t like this stage because he is still unsteady and falls a lot and gets upset. He also uses me to pull up every time I stop moving for more than a second. I think we’ll all be happy when he can just walk!
One of Asher’s top teeth came in, so he has three now. It looks like the other top tooth will come soon.
He also has been talking a lot more and says a lot of “words” (these are sounds that are probably just recognizable to us) like Mama, Dada, brother, bye bye, yay, hi, and night night.
Weight: 25.6 lbs
Clothes: 18 months (getting tight–I need to get the next size out!), size 4 diapers and 5 overnights
Likes: talking, sucking on his toes, standing up, peekaboo, pulling things out of cabinets
Dislikes: getting dressed, falling down, being told no