I’ve said before, and I still think, that Asher is the most-loved baby. His brother and sister and cousins always want to talk to him and touch him, and they are all so sweet.
Asher sometimes isn’t so sure about all the attention though. Mercy especially always wants to be near him/on him/in his face. I’m constantly telling her to give him space. I get it, though. I feel compelled to touch him about 8,000 times a day too.
Asher’s growing well and learning new things all the time! We love our happy boy!
This month’s updates:
Eating: Asher is an old pro with eating table food now. He especially loves fruit but will eat most of what we give him. And when we have food that we’re not sharing, he makes a very persistent “nummmm nummmm” noise until we give him some.
Sleeping: This is all about the same as last month. Asher is a trooper on preschool days because he often skips or has a very short morning nap those days. I’m actually just ready for him to outgrow the morning nap anyway because it’s so nice to be able to do other things all morning and not have a sleepy (grouchy) boy.
Other developments: Little Man is super fast with his army crawl and will sometimes get up on hands and knees for a few seconds. He sits up really well unassisted but hasn’t been able to get himself in the position yet. He also has started to imitate sounds, blow bubbles, and clap. His little “Yayyyyy!” while clapping his hands is the cutest!
Weight: 24 lbs, 3.5 oz (92%)
Height: 29 in (72%)
Head circumference: 18 3/4 in (96%)
Clothes: 18 months, size 4 diapers, 5 overnight
Likes: blowing bubbles, playing “Where’s Asher?,” eating, laughing at Eli and Mercy, music, chewing on everything, the big kids’ toys
Dislikes: having his nose wiped, being put into his car seat, being away from Mama when he’s sleepy