Asher is 6 months old and Mercy turned 2! The munchkins are getting big! Time flies when you’re having fun…or haven’t slept in 4 years.
I love watching Mercy and Eli play with Asher because they all adore each other, and it’s so sweet. Mercy is constantly telling us that Asher is a cute baby, and Eli makes Asher laugh more than anyone else. I hope they keep getting along so well as they get older.
This month’s updates:
Eating: We’ve given up on Asher taking a bottle, and I’m pretty much okay with it. The good thing about no bottles is that I don’t have to pump…cause he’s not gonna eat it anyway. Asher has tried a few pureed foods and isn’t a fan. He’s not sure what to do with the food once it’s in his mouth and usually ends up gagging. We’ll get the hang of it though.
Sleeping: Asher still wakes up to eat usually once or twice a night. We could and should probably start breaking him of that habit, but I’m just not ready for the week of crying at night when I won’t feed him. We’ll start that soon. Send prayers and coffee.
Other developments: Asher is rolling alllllll over! He rolls both ways and can make his way across the room by rolling. He likes to sleep on his belly now, which I think is so cute. He can kind of sit up for a few seconds by himself and will prop himself up with his hands. We’re also hearing lots of babbling!
Weight: 20 lbs, 11 oz (91%)
Height: 27 1/4″ (76%)
Head circumference: 17 1/4″ (50%)
Clothes: mostly 9-12 months, size 4 diapers
Likes: putting EVERYTHING in his mouth, nursing, bouncing, blowing raspberries, playing with Eli and Mercy
Dislikes: eating real food, laying on his playmat for more than a few minutes