We blinked and five months have passed. It has gone by quickly so far, but it also kind of feels like we’ve just always had three children. And life before kids? That’s just a vague memory to me.
Asher is doing well. He eats like a champ, sleeps like a baby, and gives us the most heart-warming smiles and laughs. Seriously, who can be grumpy when a baby smiles at them? Do you need to have a hard conversation with someone? Borrow my adorable baby. Have a neighbor you don’t get along with? Take my sweet baby and some cookies over for a visit.
Of course, not everything is smiles and giggles. Facebook makes it easy to give that impression sometimes. We have tantrums, tears, accidents, and messes here too, usually daily. And that’s just with me and Derek. 🙂
For the most part, though, I like being around my kids. There are definitely moments when I feel over-touched, over-questioned, over-Veggietaled, but there are other moments that are so sweet and fun. Kids are so honest (to the point of insult sometimes), trusting, imaginative, and curious. I want my kids to grow and develop and eventually learn to take care of themselves, but I also think maybe I should become a little more like them.
Anyway, back to our little big five-month-old. This month’s updates:
Eating: Not much new here. Asher still nurses 5 to 500 times a day. He likes to eat. He pretty much won’t take a bottle at all now, and I’ve kind of stopped trying. He also doesn’t like to nurse under a cover. Both of those things are frustrating to me, but we won’t be nursing forever. We’ll get through it!
Sleeping: We’ve gotten into a better napping schedule, and Asher has done well with that. He also goes to sleep really well at night but has been getting up a lot the past month. I don’t love that either, but I have a three-year-old who almost always sleeps all night, every night, so I know that won’t last forever either. And Asher slept all night a couple nights ago, so I got a whole 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I should be good for the next year!
Other developments: Asher has tried a few pureed foods, but he doesn’t seem to be a fan yet. We’ll try again in a little while. He still hasn’t rolled from back to belly even though it looks like he’s so, so close. He’s getting a lot better at grabbing things and passing them from one hand to the other. We also just stopped swaddling him for sleep.
Weight: 19.2 lbs
Clothes: 6-9 months, size 4 diapers
Likes: chewing on anything he can get in his mouth, Eli and Mercy, being tickled, his bouncer
Dislikes: the swing, sitting in his high chair