Our littlest love is 3 months old! Somehow this boy keeps getting bigger and bigger and growing lots! He’s been a great addition to our family.It seems like we’ve been battling colds for the past month, and poor Asher has been too. Despite that, though, the boy has been growing like a weed. As a breastfeeding mother, I feel weirdly proud of Asher getting chubby. I see his rolls, and I think, “Yes! I did that!” I do not, however, feel the same way when I get chubby. Yes, I did that too, but I love myself and I hate myself. *Insert cookie munching noises here* :).
We also took a monumental step in parenthood this past week: We bought a minivan! Now, I’ve never been cool, so this really doesn’t make any difference for my image. It’s actually probably the nicest car I’ve ever had. Derek is still missing his little stick-shift car. Maybe Derek can get a cool car again when our kids are grown. Until then, he’ll have to rely on his skinny jeans and nun-chuck skillz to make him cool.
Eating: No real changes here. Asher likes nursing and he usually does pretty well with a bottle. Boy likes to eat.
Sleeping: Asher normally goes to sleep really easily at bedtime and gets up once to eat. We did have three nights in a row when Asher slept all night long, and it was magical. And then sickness invaded our house and sleep has been resembling more of a long blink. We’ll get back there.
Morning naps are still completely random and revolve around whatever we’re doing that day. Asher usually sleeps in the swing or carseat for that nap still. Afternoon naps are more scheduled. I usually feed Asher after the big kids eat lunch and then he sleeps for the next three hours.
Other developments: Asher has started to laugh! He doesn’t do it very often yet, but maybe we’re just not that funny?
I’d like to say that I faithfully do tummy time with Asher every day too, but I don’t often leave him loose on the floor to preserve his life and my sanity. He does hold his head up pretty well though, and I’m sure he’ll be able to push up and roll over and crawl and all that by the time he’s like 10. No rush.
Weight: 15 lbs, 5 oz.
Clothes: 3-6 months, 6 months, size 3 diapers
Likes: being tickled, Mercy and Eli, the giraffe toy, baths, sucking on his fingers
Dislikes: coughing, the swing, getting lotion on
You guys make cute babies!!!