Asher is a month old and is probably getting ready to head off to college soon. Why can’t my babies stay little forever???
It’s been a pretty good month. We’re getting used to being outnumbered by the kids, and Asher’s getting used to life outside the womb. I’m not sure yet what kind of personality he’s going to have, but he’s very peaceful…when he’s sleeping.
We’re still working on being awake and not crying. Some of the issue is that I’m a mean mama and won’t feed Asher on demand, which would be every 1 1/2-2 hours. This milk machine needs to do other things sometimes!
Asher also likes playing this game where he tries to get out as much poop as possible in the time between when I move his old diaper and put on his new diaper. It’s super fun!
The big kids are so sweet with Asher and love to give him gentle hugs and kisses. They’ve done really well with remembering to be careful. Mercy has seemed to be having a little bit of a hard time adjusting to her new brother and has been waking up crying at night. She’s also had a cold and been teething and we changed her bed, so it’s probably a combination of all those things. I think (/hope) that we’re about done with that though.
Eating: The boy likes to eat and has done well with nursing from the beginning. He also takes a bottle without any problem, usually once a day, and he usually drinks between 3 1/2 and 5 ounces.
Sleeping: Asher still sleeps a lot and takes long naps during the day. He’s been doing really well at night, too. He typically gets up twice during the night to eat, but will usually go between 4 and 5 hours before the first wake up.
Weight: 11.2 lbs according to the bathroom scale
Clothes: 0-3 months, size 1 diapers
Likes: eating, sleeping, riding in the car, Eli and Mercy talking to him
Dislikes: getting changed, baths, waiting to eat