I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be a Leek baby update if it weren’t at least a week late, so here we are.
Mercy is one! We’ve successfully kept two children alive at the same time for a year! Woo-hoo!
We love this little girl! She’s so fun and sweet–probably what has earned her middle-child status. Don’t be fooled though…she has her moments. She has a quick temper and will very loudly tell us when she’s unhappy. She bounces back quickly, though, and then charms us with something adorable. We’re going to have to watch out for this one. 🙂
Eating: For most of the past month, we were down to three times of nursing each day. Since her birthday, I’ve also cut out another, so down to two. And Mercy doesn’t know this yet, but we’re getting ready to cut another one too. If you guys can’t tell, I’m ready to be done with nursing. Mercy has been a great eater from the beginning, and I’ve been so thankful for that. And now I’m thankful that she can enjoy some yummy COW MILK!
I think Mercy’s favorite food right now is probably bananas…or anything anyone else is eating. She’s still the least picky eater out of our whole family.
Sleeping: The morning nap is a mystery to me. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t. I can’t really predict when she wants to take that nap and when she won’t. You’d think I’d be better at this by now, but my children’s sleep habits are still kind of a guessing game for me.
[SIdenote: Eli, who has pretty much been done with napping at all for the past 6 months, has spent the last two weeks taking two hour naps each day. So whatever. You do you, kiddos.]
Afternoon naps for Mercy have been kind of short lately too. She’s generally pretty happy even if she’s sleepy, though, so I guess she can just sleep whenever she needs to.
Other developments: Mercy’s still rocking the lopsided army crawl, so I’m not thinking that’s going to change. She decided one day that she wanted to pull up on everything, so she’s been doing that a lot. She’ll walk if we hold her hands and make her, but she doesn’t really seem interested beyond that.
Mercy still has no teeth! Her doctor said there’s sometimes a correlation between teeth coming in later and puberty starting later, which I think we might be okay with. But really, honey, you gotta grow some teefies!
Mercy is saying quite a few words and likes to mimics words and sounds. We have a super annoying-sounding doorbell that Eli likes to press each time we come inside, and he and Mercy both sing along to it. It almost makes the annoying doorbell worth it.
She also loves babies, and I think she uses the word “baby” for other things she likes too, like stuffed animals, dogs, and Eli.
Weight: 19 lbs, 10 oz (24%)
Height: 27 3/4″ (11%)
Head circumference: 17 3/8″ (22%)
Clothes: 12 months
Dislikes: spending a lot of time in the car, people not sharing their food
Likes: peek-a-boo, eating, shoes, pulling off her shoes, dancing to music, Daddy