You guys, Mercy is the happiest baby. I’m really hoping that will translate into her being a happy toddler, but I guess we’ll find out in a few (short, *tear*) months. Only two months until she’s a year old!I honestly don’t even know where the last month went, so it’s hard for me to remember what happened since then. But we’ll try.
Eating: Mercy loves food. We have still not found a food that Mercy won’t eat. She loves trying what we’re eating and is very unhappy if we won’t share. She can basically eat anything, just cut up really small. She actually does a pretty good job of biting and chewing for someone with no teeth.
She’s still nursing 4-5 times a day, but I’m starting to think we can cut back on that a little and just add more snacks during the day. She oh-so-subtly lets me know when she’s hungry by coming at me with an open mouth.
Mercy also looooooooves to drink water from a straw.
Sleeping: Basically the same here, except that she sometimes doesn’t nap in the morning (or at all some day, oops!). She’s generally pretty happy even without a nap, though, so I don’t worry about it too much.
Other developments: We have forward movement! Mercy does a funny, one-sided army crawl that gets her where she wants to go. She says a few words like mama, dada, bye bye, and dog; and she likes to “talk” a lot in her own little gibberish and mimic words/sounds we make. She has started to pull herself up some.
Weight: 18.6 lbs
Dislikes: having things taken away, being away from Mama when she’s sleepy, having her face/nose wiped, not getting her way (she loudly lets us know if she’s unhappy)
Likes: eating, books, Eli, Daddy’s funny dance, her water cup, jewelry, shoes, dogs