Our little munchkin is 6 months old! I feel like she was just born, and now she’s well on her way to no longer being a baby.
I say this a lot, but I think Mercy is pure sweetness. When she smiles at us, it’s the best thing ever. We’re starting to get more talking and playing from her, and we love her friendly, little disposition.
Mercy rarely cries during the day, and she’s usually content to watch what everyone is doing around her. She love love LOVES Eli and everything he does. She’s also a pretty big fan of strangers and will give out sweet smiles when they look at her.
Eating: Mercy continues to nurse well, and she’s very interested in real food. She’s had a few purees and has done pretty well with them. We’ll start introducing a lot more this month, and I think she’s going to really like it!
Sleeping: This is a work in progress. We had gotten into a bad habit of Mercy doing her best eating in the middle of the night, with no distractions, but this mama was TIRED. We’ve put an end to the nighttime feedings, and we’re working on uninterrupted nighttime sleep. We’ve just been letting her cry it out at night, and she’s starting to get the hang of it. Last night we had a 9 hour stretch of sleep, 45 minutes of crying (I go in every 15-20 minutes and check on her), and then 3 more hours of sleep.
I know some people are not a fan of letting kids cry it out and think I’m heartless for doing it. I do sometimes feel guilty for letting her cry, but I have to tell you, I’m BETTER-RESTED and heartless ;). And I think we might be done with the sleep training in a few days anyway.
By the way, I read a study recently that talked about how sleep deprivation is similar to being drunk. There are a lot of mamas and daddies who are basically sleep-drunk. Should we be driving or operating machinery or you know…CARING FOR SMALL HUMANS?
Hopefully by the next update, Derek and I will be feeling a bit more sober.
Other developments: Mercy’s official first word is Dada. I think she has said Mama a few times, but she says Dada a lot. She has also found her feet and loves them. They may be her new favorite thing to play with. She also loves her bouncer.
Weight: 15 lbs, 10 oz (41%)
Height: 25 in (22%)
Head circumference: 16 5/8 in (42%)
Clothes: 6 months, size 2 diapers
Dislikes: new textures of foods, sleeping all night, sitting/lying down
Likes: bouncing, smiling, Eli, people talking to her, TV, putting things in her mouth, her feet, baths