Our sweet girl is two months old. Sorry, Mercy Jean, it’s only been two months and I’m already getting behind on your blog updates.
It’s been a fun couple of months getting to know our little girl! We’re getting into more of a routine and I can (mostly) handle taking care of both kids by myself while Derek’s at work. (By the way, I checked; Derek’s not allowed to just not go back to work and stay home with us forever. Bummer).
This months updates:
Eating: Mercy eats great! She nurses well and gets one bottle each day–just because I want her to continue being able to take a bottle :).
Sleeping: Mercy’s only been getting up once a night most nights! It’s been nice getting some long stretches of sleep! We haven’t gotten into a nap routine during the day yet, so that’ll come next.
Other developments: Mercy’s smiling now and it’s the best everrrrrrrrr (I’m pretty sure I said that when Eli started smiling too). It’s so sweet to see her start to interact.
Weight: 10 lbs, 9.5 oz (45%)
Height: 21.5 in (20%)
Likes: baths, tickles, riding in the car, the pacifier (until it falls out of her mouth), standing/holding her head up, Peekaboo with Eli
Dislikes: waiting to eat, having things over her head, the swing
Clothes: 0-3 month and size 1 diapers