Our littlest munchkin is a month old! The past month has been a whirlwind for us.
I’m proud to say that we’ve gotten out of the house–a lot! We keep talking about how different it is this time than it was when Eli was born, and one big difference is that we do a lot more. We even all put on real clothes (and often shower!) every day! Mercy has been a really easy baby so far. She eats well and has been healthy from the beginning. She’s been pretty sleepy for this first month but it starting to be awake more during the day. She seems to think that if she’s awake she either needs to be fussy or eating, but we’re working on that :).
Eating: Mercy eats every 3-4 hours during the day and then every 3-6 hours at night. She usually nurses for 10-20 minutes each time. Derek has also been giving her a bottle each night for the feeding after her bedtime feeding, and she’s doing well with that.
Sleeping: Like I said, she’s been sleeping a lot of the time still, but she’s starting to be awake more during the day. Since she was about a week old, she’s been crying/screaming every night off and on from about 7 or 8 until 10 or 11. Super pleasant! I feel like we’re starting to phase out of that though……/PLEASE tell me we’re almost done with that!!!?!?
No, I really do think it’s getting better. We’ve had a lot of good nights in the past week when she hasn’t cried at all or just a little bit. So now I try to replicate every little detail of what we did on those nights :).
Weight: 9.8 lbs, according to our bathroom scale. I think that’s probably a little high.
Likes: sleeping, eating, the baby carrier, baths (sometimes).
Dislikes: waiting to eat, getting changed, baths (sometimes).
Clothes: newborn clothes still fit, but she can also wear 0-3 month sizes. Size 1 diapers, but only because we ran out of newborns and I didn’t want to get a whole new box.