Eli turned 8 months old on Monday!
This past month brought lots of new mobility and fun. Eli’s starting to look more like a toddler and less like a baby to me, which is bittersweet. I’m glad he’s growing and learning new things, but I’m going to miss my baby!
This month’s updates:
Eating: We’ve seen a lot of improvement in eating real food! Eli’s still eating mostly purées mixed with rice cereal or oatmeal, but he does fairly well with soft food–especially if he sees us eating it too. He still nurses 4 times a day usually, but these are very quick nursing sessions. I love that we have the option of just bringing some food for him when we go places now. (Although when we’re at restaurants, he’d normally rather watch people than eat). He also is really liking puffs and can sometimes pick them up and put them in his own mouth. We’re still working on that though 🙂 Sometimes the fingers want to stay in there too.
Sleeping: Elias does great sleeping at night. He usually sleeps 11-12 hours at night and then takes two naps during the day. Naps can range anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours and are pretty unpredictable. He’s usually not a happy camper on days when he only takes 30 minute naps, but I’m not sure what to do to make his naptimes more consistent.
There was a week or so this month where Elias got up at least once every night to eat, and I was freaking out a little bit, but we bounced back 🙂
Eli usually goes to bed between 6:30 and 7:30 and then gets up at 6 the next morning. If we’re out late and he doesn’t go to bed until 9, he still gets up at 6. Somehow he KNOWS when it’s 6 am, and I don’t understand it. If it weren’t for alarm clocks (or now my sweet little human alarm), I would never see 6 am. Buuut okay, I can deal with 6. That’s an almost acceptable wake up time.
Other developments: Where do we begin? Elias is “crawling” all over, getting into everything! He hasn’t figured out how to crawl normally yet, but he does little push-up-scoots and is really fast! I’ve had to go through our house and pretty much pick up everything three feet from the ground and below because Eli really likes playing with things that aren’t toys (and the more dangerous, the better–power cords are a favorite).
Eli’s also sitting up on his own. He’s been able to sit up unassisted, once put into the position, for a while, but he can get himself into a seated position now too. He has even pulled up to standing a few times, using the ottoman in our living room.
I’m pretty sure Eli knows who Mama and Daddy are and has called us by our names a few times. He likes to just babble mamama and dadada some too, among other consonant sounds.
I feel like we see more and more of Eli’s sweet personality as each month goes by, and I love it!
Weight: 19.6 lbs, according to our bathroom scale
Dislikes: getting his diaper changed, being put down for naps
Likes: bouncing (still), playing in the bathtub, crawling around and exploring, climbing on our laps, peek-a-boo
Clothes: 6-9 months, 9 months, 12 months; size 3 diapers