As of yesterday, Elias is 5 months old! Time is flying!
I kind of feel like this sweet, little boy has been with us forever, but I also feel like he was just born. All too soon, I’m going to miss him being a baby!
It’s been a great month. We went on our first overnight trip with Elias, spending a couple nights in the mountains. Eli did really well. I was kind of worried about him sleeping in a new place/different bed, but it didn’t seem to bother him at all. A lot of family got to spend time with Eli. And oh yeah, we were there too 🙂
We realize now that no one cares about seeing us. If we go somewhere, we’d better bring Eli or people will be disappointed. We’re okay with it, though. We’re happy our little man is so loved!
This month’s updates:
Eating: Eli still normally nurses 5x a day. No trouble there. He has definitely decided he doesn’t like bottles though. We’ve tried different bottles, different nipples, sippy cups, etc. and he just really doesn’t like it. He will drink a little bit in the church nursery with Michele, so apparently Derek and I are the problem.
Eli has also tried a tiny bit of banana (not a fan) and a puff. He seemed to like the taste of the puff, but he didn’t know to swallow it. He’s also had rice cereal twice so far, but has mostly just let it dribble out of his mouth.
Sleeping: I’ve learned to guard the nap time and keep it holy. We’ve established more of an afternoon nap time routine, and naps are going so much better! Eli usually sleeps 8-12 hours at night, wakes up to be fed in the morning, and then goes back to sleep until 8-10 am. He usually takes a 2-3 hour afternoon nap, and bedtime is whenever he starts to show signs of being sleepy, usually between 6 and 7 pm.
He still sometimes wakes up around 3 or 4 am, but I’ll just feed him and put him back to bed. I haven’t really noticed a pattern with him waking up then, otherwise I’d do what we could to stop it 🙂
Other developments: I feel like we’ve reached a new stage of parenting now that Elias doesn’t always stay where you put him. He’s been rolling from belly to back for a while now, but he figured out how to roll from back to belly this month too. So now we’ll put him on his play mat and then look back a few minutes later to find him halfway into the kitchen.
Sucking his thumbs/fingers/everything is in full force now. Almost everything and everyone around Eli gets covered in drool, and he likes to lick and taste things.
Weight: about 17 lbs, according to our bathroom scale.
Dislikes: bottles, too much interaction when he’s sleepy
Likes: mama and daddy, his toys (especially his crinkly book right now), rolling, bouncing, looking at himself in the mirror, pulling on hair and glasses (we’re having to tell him “no!”)
Clothes: size 3-6 months, 6 months; size 3 diapers